Common Traffic Charges In Virginia
Most of Virginia’s traffic laws are found in Title 46.2 of the Code of Virginia except for a few offenses, like driving while intoxicated (a.k.a. DWI/DUI) which snuck into Title 18.2 with other criminal offenses. Below is a list some of the more common traffic laws for which people receive tickets. The attorneys at Lee Lopez Law handle all of the different offenses listed below as well as others not listed here that are more uncommon.
The charges listed below can be found in the Virginia Legislative Information System, where you can read the law on the charge or charges you may be facing. Reading the law, unfortunately, is usually not enough because the elements of the offense listed in the statute have been given special, and sometimes unexpected, meanings. These not-so-obvious meanings make it difficult or impossible to know how a court will view an issue unless you have done legal research first.
If you are confused about the consequences of a traffic charge, need help understanding what you can do to fight your case, or need help in some other manner, contact our experienced traffic defense attorneys at Lee Lopez Law right away. All you need to do is call us at 703-259-8731 or complete our contact form, and you will be one step closer to understanding and resolving your traffic case.
Miscellaneous Driving Violations
§ 46.2-802 – Drive on right side of highways; penalty
§ 46.2-803.1 – Commercial motor vehicles limited to use of certain lanes of certain interstate highways
§ 46.2-805 – Lane-use control signals
§ 46.2-806 – One-way roadways and highways
§ 46.2-812 – Driving more than thirteen hours in twenty-four prohibited
§ 46.2-814 – Driving through safety zone prohibited
§ 46.2-815 – Hauling certain cargoes through tunnels in violation of posted signs; penalty
§ 46.2-816 – Following too closely
§ 46.2-817 – Disregarding signal by law-enforcement officer to stop; eluding police; penalties
§ 46.2-818 – Stopping vehicle of another; blocking access to premises; damaging or threatening commercial vehicle or operator thereof; penalties
Right-of-Way Violations
§ 46.2-820 – Right-of-way at uncontrolled intersections, generally
§ 46.2-821 – Vehicles before entering certain highways shall stop or yield right-of-way
§ 46.2-829 – Approach of law-enforcement or fire-fighting vehicles, rescue vehicles, or ambulances; violation as failure to yield right-of-way
Failure to Obey Signs, Lights, Etc.
§ 46.2-830 – Uniform traffic control devices on highways; drivers to obey traffic control devices; enforcement of section
§ 46.2-830.1 – Failure to obey highway sign where driver sleeping or resting
§ 46.2-833 – Traffic lights; penalty
§ 46.2-833.1 – Evasion of traffic control devices
§ 46.2-835 – Right turn on steady red light after stopping
Violations When Passing
§ 46.2-837 – Passing vehicles proceeding in opposite directions
§ 46.2-838 – Passing when overtaking a vehicle
§ 46.2-841 – When overtaking vehicle may pass on right
§ 46.2-844 – Passing stopped school buses; penalty; prima facie evidence
Turning & Signaling Violations
§ 46.2-845 – Limitation on U-turns
§ 46.2-848 – Signals required on backing, stopping, or turning
§ 46.2-850 – Change of course after giving signal
§ 46.2-851 – Signals prior to moving standing vehicles into traffic
Reckless & Improper Driving
§ 46.2-852 – Reckless driving; general rule
§ 46.2-853 – Driving vehicle which is not under control; faulty brakes
§ 46.2-855 – Driving with driver’s view obstructed or control impaired
§ 46.2-856 – Passing two vehicles abreast
§ 46.2-857 – Driving two abreast in a single lane
§ 46.2-859 – Passing a stopped school bus; prima facie evidence
§ 46.2-860 – Failing to give proper signals
§ 46.2-861 – Driving too fast for highway and traffic conditions
§ 46.2-862 – Exceeding speed limit
§ 46.2-863 – Failure to yield right-of-way
§ 46.2-864 – Reckless driving on parking lots, etc.
§ 46.2-865 – Racing; penalty
§ 46.2-865.1 – Injuring another or causing the death of another while engaging in a race; penalties
§ 46.2-866 – Racing; aiders or abettors
§ 46.2-867 – Racing; seizure of motor vehicle
§ 46.2-868 – Reckless driving; penalties
§ 46.2-868.1 – Aggressive driving; penalties
§ 46.2-869 – Improper driving; penalty
Speeding Violations
§ 46.2-870 – Maximum speed limits generally
§ 46.2-871 – Maximum speed limit for school buses
§ 46.2-872 – Maximum speed limits for vehicles operating under special permits
§ 46.2-873 – Maximum speed limits at school crossings; penalty
§ 46.2-873.1 – Maximum speed limit on nonsurface-treated highways
§ 46.2-873.2 – Maximum speed limit on rural rustic roads
§ 46.2-874 – Maximum speed limit in business and residence districts
§ 46.2-878.1 – Maximum speed limits in highway work zones; penalty
Stopping on Highways & Accidents
§ 46.2-888 – Stopping on highways; general rule
§ 46.2-890 – Stopping in vicinity of fire or emergency
§ 46.2-894 – Duty of driver to stop, etc., in event of accident involving injury or death or damage to attended property; penalty
§ 46.2-895 – Duty of certain persons accompanying driver to report accidents involving injury, death, or damage to attended property
§ 46.2-896 – Duties of driver in event of accident involving damage only to unattended property
§ 46.2-897 – Duty of certain persons accompanying driver to report accidents involving damage only to unattended property